I'm very glad that Winter Break is here. It's where everyone gets together, sleeps in, and has fun for the holidays. There are two things that I am excited to do during Winter Break. The first thing is that all my cousins, and siblings are going to get together at someone's house, and are going to have a giant sleep over that will last about the whole weekend! I am very excited for us getting together, because we all play video games, joke around, and play game shows, and just plain have fun!
     The second thing I am excited for is the fact of Christmas coming closer. The reason that I am most excited is because in my family, we do a secret Santa gift exchange. The best thing about that is we all put what we want for Christmas on a slip of paper, and we pull each other's name out, but of course, don't tell anyone who we have. This year, the rule was that we had to at least put 5 things we wanted for Christmas. I cheated a little this year, since I put the same thing for all 5 things. But, there was no obligation stated against putting the same thing on our list, so I was fine. After we buy the presents, on Christmas night, we all get together again for a Christmas dinner. After we all eat, there is a time where we exchange the gifts, but we don't just write the name on the tag, and have someone pass it out. We like to do things in a very fun way, so we find a really creative way to present who we have for the secret Santa exchange. I am so excited and can't wait to have an amazing winter break!

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