Today is the 11th annual anniversary of one of the most horrible event in American history. The twin towers, or the Trade Center, was located in New York. Everything was going well, then, on that fatal moment, the terrorist airplane crashed into the twin towers, and everything collapsed. The people who were on the bottom floor were able to get out just in time, but the people at the top called home and told their family what was going to happen, and said, "Good bye." The people on that airplane had done the same thing when the terrorists showed everyone what they were there to do. Those terrorists, on the same day, crashed a plane into Pearl Harbor. They tried to crash a plane into the White House, but luckily, that didn't happen. Those people are horrifying, horrible, with a dark heart, and dark soul. Thankfully, the government here were able to defeat those terrorists, and end those evil people's horrible lives. The many thousand people who were lost on 9/11 will never be forgotten. 

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