Of Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci, I'd like to meet Leonardo. First of all, he is a renaissance man and has so many different talents. Leonardo was a scientist, architect, artist, inventor, painter, sculptor, and even a party planner. He found out how blood circulation goes, and he also discovered things about the eye. He sculpted very beautifully and precisely. Nonetheless, he planned very good parties.
The thing that I really like about Leonardo is his painting, the Mona Lisa. I love the perspective he used while painting her, and the different blend of colors. There is also a rumor that wherever you stand while looking at the Mona Lisa, it looks as if she is staring at you. The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings in world history, and I'd love to go see it someday. Michelangelo is a great artist too, but to me, I'd rather meet Leonardo Da Vinci.

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