When Martin Luther was alive during the Reformation, he wrote 95 issues to the Pope about he thought was wrong about the church. What about us? We were asked to write 5 issues that we have right now. One of them for me, is homework checking. In all our classes, we don't actually check if they are finished with their homework or not. In computers, we take notes on videos in our classes. We don't get our notes checked, which I think we should, because we shouldn't have people saying that they did their notes, when they actually didn't, and then they don't know how to do the assignments. Another thing about the homework, is students could be doing their homework right that minute. 
Another thing is about help that students need. Some students don't ask for help, so they just do something, and it turns out to be wrong. Instead of putting them in Homework Lab, the teachers should assign them a "help" time to come into the class, and then get help. This will help them learn more about the subjects, and their grades would get much better. Also, a different issue is the time constraints. Some projects are due for a while, and students forget about them, so the teachers should be reminding them everyday, so students don't realize that they have a project, and they end up doing it the day before it's due.
A different issue would be the homework lab policy. If something small is sending you to homework lab, that isn't really that bad. If it was a short assignment, and it was forgotten, they should stay in for a detention at break instead of having to go to homework lab. My final and fifth issue would be with P.E., because there should be homework to practice doing pushups and situps before testing week. These are my 5 issues t

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