Next week, there will be no school on Monday! That means that we have a 3-day-weekend! I love extra long weekends. My sister got back from college about a week ago, and I'm happy to say that we have been having a lot of fun together. My sister has started Skyward Sword, and now she's really into the storyline, because it has a really sweet storyline to it. Here is how the story goes:

Loftwings are flying about in the sky. People are jumping of the edge of Skyloft, and are whistling to call their birds, and take them on a flight. A blue bird flies to Princess Zelda, who is playing a golden harp, and singing in Hylian as she plays. The blue bird picks up a letter from Zelda and flies off. Next, we go to Link, who looks like he's in a dream, with someone telling him to awaken. Then, Link is rolled off his bed, and the Loftwing spits the letter in his face. Link picks it up and reads it, remembering that this was the day of the Wing Ceremony, and Zelda wanted to meet him before they went off. 

Link runs over to Zelda, and she tells him that she will be playing the role of the Goddess in the Wing Ceremony, and she wants him to win so they can perform a ceremony together. Zelda pushes Link off the edge, and tells him to call his bird, but it doesn't respond. Alarmed, Zelda jumped off, called her bird, and saved Link's life. They found out that the jock of the school, Groose, had stolen it. He wanted Link to lose because he loved Zelda. He started to pick on Link, and Zelda showed him her sass, and Link won the competition.

This is how far we've gotten, and I'm excited to play much more!

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