I'm in a competition called Science Olympiad, and in that competition, teams from different schools prepare for the competition, and we all compete against each other. Regionals went really well for us, and we placed first in regionals, meaning Computech, us, get to go to the state competition. State is coming up pretty close, and we need to practice lots, to make sure we do our best! We have 23 events, and we have to study them, or build in them, depending on your event, and there are certain things you can and cannot do.
Say you had the event called Metric Mastery. First, let me tell you a little about that event. There will be different objects in competition, and you would have to guess how long it is, it's volume, density, mass, force, and how long it takes for something to do something by not even touching it. It's pretty hard, but to make it even harder, judges have put a time limit on it, making us do the task in 30 seconds. In this event, you can't bring anything, except for a non-programmable calculator. This seems like it is unnecessary, but it is. The event supervisors didn't want people to be cheating, which made everything unfair for anyone else. 
After that, there is an actual measuring part of it, where you get one minute to find out the task, and measure whatever it says to measure. This is pretty hard, but once again, there are the same regulations. These events are really fun, but hard, and I can't wait for the state competition!

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